Monday, April 27, 2009

Porcelain Veneers?

Hello everyone. I had a question regarding porcelain veneers. I was thinking about getting them but had a question. I heard that the veneers last about 15-20, then you have to replace them. Well, do the veneers just start chipping away? Do they start to fall off? I don't get it. Is it something that happens underneath the veneers that others can't see? I would hate to get them if after 10 years, it visibly starts chipping or something. I would appreciate info from anyone that knows. Thank you

Porcelain Veneers?
There's a variety of reason why veeners fail after 15-20 years as you said. It all depends on a few things:

1) how much tooth it's replacing

small veneers that are purely on the front part should last near forever. they aren't in contact with anything, they don't extend to the back of the teeth or rub on anything except lips, tongue, and air. Large veneers are asked to do little more and aren't as strong

2) cement

today's cements are heck of alot better than cements from 30, 20, and, even 10 years ago. Back in the 80's the cements used were good only for small veneers and attached only to the enamel part of our teeth. So if these leaked all the time, discoloring the edges of the veener. Today's cement bond to everything: enamal and dentin.

So how they fail?

1) the most common is leakage. despite the cements of today, most are very technique sensitive and alittle mistake can go a long way.

2) design: veeners are super easy to do , however, if you design them so that they do contact with opposing teeth or your prone to eating rocks daily, you can get some chipping.

Most cost about $1500-2000 each and personal well worth it. Ask your dentist more questions and do some additional reseach cause it can be alot of money!

Take care


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